Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thing #4 Redux

I got that title from The X-Files (the Redux part that is). I have decided to follow the following (that's almost redundant) blogs and the reason:

1. Blaize Miranda: he has a good eye for technology in the classroom as evidenced in his blog;

2. Candace Rogers: a science teacher's perspective;

3. Susan Runyon-Davis: a math teacher's perspective, as well as being in EDUC5500 with her;

4. Stefi Outlaw: another social studies teacher's perspective;

5. Amelia Crotzer: she likes to travel as I do, although NYC is not my cup of tea.

I have been exposed to more ways to communicate in the past two months than I thought was possible, including ways to make it more eye-catching was well. As I mentioned in a previous post, I do join in conversations on blogs on the Commercial Appeal and sometimes ESPN regarding UofM basketball and football. So far this has been fun! I am honored that Blaize enjoys my dry sense of humor.

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