Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thing #4

Commenting on postings does indeed create a sense of community. I am not a frequent "blogger". However, I do occasionally post comments on the Commerical Appeal comment space. Although it is not listed as a blog space, it has devloped into one for UofM Tigers fans to comment on Sports articles. It gives me a sense of belonging to the Memphis community although I live 200 miles away. Participation in this activity will make me a part of another community. One thing that I have noticed on the Commercial Appeal's blog space is that comments can and sometimes are removed for inappropriate comments. While this space allows for opinions to be expressed, it does not tolerate abusive posts. Nor do many readers. Comments need to be positive. Or, if you have an opinion that can be construed as negative, explain why you have the opinion that you expressed. Generally, you will find that you do attract comments from others that either agree or disagree. Another thing that I have noticed in blogging is that, in the majority of the posts,the posters (with a few exceptions) are gracious and humble in their repsonses; and, by not repsond harshly to criticisms of opinions, grammatical errors, typos, etc.

The blogs that I have chosen to follow are Miranda's Blog, Rogers' Science Spot, SKY BLUE SUE, Stefi's learning process, and Tink Time.

1 comment:

  1. Dudley how are you doing? This is your freind Terrell, I hope you are having a great spring break! I love your blog you have some wonderful information and some great pictures. How do you feel about this technology (blog)? I love it, it reminds me alot of e-mail but is something new and fresh and a know my high school students will love it one day. Are you enjoying this assignment? I can't wait to see you in class next week take care.

